scp slow against Cygwin sshd
Mario Kuechler
2003-09-04 11:50:45 UTC

when scp'ing files to or from Windows (2000) boxes with Cygwin sshd
installed (out of the box installation) transfer speed is not higher than
100 KB/s. All other network operations work as expected (100 MBit).

Where to start debugging?

Christopher Faylor
2003-09-04 13:57:22 UTC
Post by Mario Kuechler
when scp'ing files to or from Windows (2000) boxes with Cygwin sshd
installed (out of the box installation) transfer speed is not higher than
100 KB/s. All other network operations work as expected (100 MBit).
Where to start debugging?
Mario Kuechler
2003-09-04 14:21:45 UTC
Post by Christopher Faylor
Post by Mario Kuechler
Where to start debugging?
So the first step is the cygcheck output? It's attached.

Igor Pechtchanski
2003-09-04 15:33:31 UTC
Post by Mario Kuechler
Post by Christopher Faylor
Post by Mario Kuechler
Where to start debugging?
So the first step is the cygcheck output? It's attached.
Cygwin DLL version info:
DLL version: 1.3.22
cygwin 1.3.22-1
openssh 3.6.1p1-2

Does upgrading to the latest Cygwin (1.5.3-1) and openssh (3.6.1p2-2)
solve this problem? It's usually a good idea to upgrade to the latest
version before problem reports.

If the latest Cygwin and openssh don't solve this problem, try running
"scp -vvv" and see if that provides any clues. There's also strace ("man
strace"), which can tell you where the time is going. Please make an
effort to understand and analyze the strace output before dumping gobs of
data to this list.
|\ _,,,---,,_ ***@cs.nyu.edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ ***@watson.ibm.com
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow!

"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster." -- Patrick Naughton
Mario Kuechler
2003-09-04 16:14:28 UTC
Post by Igor Pechtchanski
Does upgrading to the latest Cygwin (1.5.3-1) and openssh (3.6.1p2-2)
solve this problem? It's usually a good idea to upgrade to the latest
version before problem reports.
Well, yes. But Cygwin 1.3 just works. Anyway, I upgraded to the new 1.5 and
nothing changed.
Post by Igor Pechtchanski
If the latest Cygwin and openssh don't solve this problem, try running
"scp -vvv" and see if that provides any clues. There's also strace ("man
This shows TCP window size(?) related adjustments:

debug2: channel 0: window 49152 sent adjust 81920
20m 0% 144KB 144.1KB/s 02:14 ETA
debug2: channel 0: window 49152 sent adjust 81920
20m 0% 192KB 96.0KB/s 03:21 ETA
debug2: channel 0: window 49152 sent adjust 81920

But these adjustments can also be watched when scp'ing from a Solaris 8
(Server - openssh) to Cygwin (client - scp):

debug2: channel 0: window 57344 sent adjust 73728
debug2: channel 0: window 57344 sent adjust 73728
debug2: channel 0: window 57344 sent adjust 73728
Post by Igor Pechtchanski
strace"), which can tell you where the time is going. Please make an
I had a first look at the strace output. Mmh. Just too much. I'll another
look later.
Post by Igor Pechtchanski
effort to understand and analyze the strace output before dumping gobs of
data to this list.
Sure, I won't :)

